Gaming Rites of Passage 2015–2020

5 min readOct 17, 2021


The games to beat in the last 5 years of the decade


The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt — A great piece of story telling wrapped inside a well made game, the combat can become a bit repetitive due to its simple nature but it excels in every other area

Rocket League — If you haven't played rocket league already then you’re missing out, great game with unique gameplay

Satellite Reign — A different kind of RTS


Dark Souls 3 — The best in the Souls Bourne series, The best made, has the most charm, the story is non-existent yet substantial, don’t forget to clear out the DLC, beating Midir is worth it

DOOM (2016) — The relaunch of Doom was a successful one, this game made other shooters look slow and weak in comparison, the game is fast hard hitting action

Forza Horizon 3/4 — The horizon games are graphically stunning with more re-playability than its none horizon counterparts

Total War: Warhammer — A great spin on the total war series, goes hand in hand with Warhammer


Cuphead — Fantastic modern retro game, great soundtrack and sound effects, also there is no difficulty setting, so plenty of time to replay the bosses and admire the artwork

Horizon Zero Dawn — Bow and Arrow gameplay has never been so rewarding, the story is promising for most of the game but start to fall off near the end, some unique gameplay mechanics makes for a memorable game

For Honor — A different type of fighting game that is made for multiplayer but worth a playthrough the combat is unique and rewarding, especially the ring outs


BattleTech — A worthy continuation of the BattleTech universe, fresh modern take on a turn based strategy game with great mech customization and visuals

Monster Hunter World Killing big monsters is done well in this game, it can be grindy after a while but if you enjoy grinding this is a good game, plus got to get some big kills under your belt

Far Cry 5 — Weird, slightly disturbing and a fun experience not quite the early far cry experience but still worth checking out


Sekiro Shadows Die Twice — Imagine dark souls but with a decent storyline and unique combat mechanics, it is both easier and harder than dark souls in different ways, less item dependent thereby forcing the player to skill up more, along with multiple endings, its worth seeing a few of them

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order — No one expected a star wars game to be a challenging and rewarding experience but here it is, I knew this would be a good game when gaming journalists didn't like it because they couldn't get past the first level and that was on the easiest difficulty which the game should be on Jedi Knight difficulty to be appreciated


Half-Life Alyx A VR setup is required for this game but its an amazing experience, truly mind blowing

Doom Eternal — A worthy continuation of the New Doom Series its quite different to Doom 2016 in that it has much more of a platform element and it works, the developers didn’t recycle a game for the sequel, its been completely redesigned

Streets of Rage 4 — Much better than SoR3 this is a continuation of streets of rage 2 with a great new soundtrack that has good remixes of original scores and good gameplay you can expect from a streets of rage game

Ghost Of Tsushima — If you cant do Sekiro, try this

I’m sure I've missed a lot however if you have tried all of these games you’re better than any gaming journalist and most streamers, enjoy




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