Simp Nation
Are you a citizen of Simp nation? chances are that you participate in the nation to some degree, usually without even realizing it.
First things first, what is Simp Nation? is it just a collective of ‘Simps’ (males who are too kind to females for little in return) or is it something more, something deeper and something more sinister.
It’s no secret the current generation of young men are having less and less sex, research shows this to be the case yet scientists seem too polite to call it out for what it is, Simping is the real pandemic of current times and sadly is it something that cannot be fixed with a vaccine.
Simp Nation has its roots in medieval chivalry, and to put it into the current vernacular, the knights were “Uber Chads” who were out of control ,so in a bid to control them, the idea of chivalry was invented to stop them from being so destructive towards women in particular, however it seems things have gone too far in the other direction in modern times with the ever increasing legion of Simps. Chivalry, which has made a resurgence in recent times, is making young males become increasingly desperate for female attention and with the substantial changes in courting practices of societies around the world, males now feel a need to be subservient to women in order to get their attention, to court them and to reproduce. This could be aided by several factors including: societies having more obedient populations and the declining of testosterone levels in modern males.
An ever increasing number of males are becoming more and more obsessed with body image, a historically feminine trait which shows males are feeling less attractive as time goes on. This leads one to ask, is this the workings of the mysterious Simp nation?, is modern society with its focus on a low-body fat physique and an overwhelming feeling of guilt for simply being male making a high percentage of urban males into citizens of Simp nation?. That being said if males were to exercise regularly, improve their image somewhat, become stronger and tougher, they would find a higher success rate in relation to obtaining female partners.
Lets explore the mental aspect more thoroughly, Males and especially young males do feel guilt for being male, they are taught that men are oppressors to women and that men have all the power in society so it is therefore up to them as males to right the wrongs of modern society and in particular right the wrongs committed to their female ancestors by their male ancestors. A consistent theme of individual Simps is that they all seem to engage in similar behaviors, such as giving gifts to females, usually in an excessive manner, always taking a females side in an argument and putting themselves in a child-like position in relation to a female
How to identify if you are engaging in Simp behaviors
- Are you giving gifts to females in order to get their attention
- Do you believe everything a female says
- Do you always take their side in an argument without question
- Do you refer to yourself as an “ally” or “feminist”
- Do you change who you are to be with a female
- Are you more agreeable with females relative to males
- Are you paying to see, speak to, or touch a female
- Do you advocate for females financial gain to the determent of your own
- Do you actively follow female social media accounts because you find them attractive
- Is your female partner “punching”
- Are you obsessed with your body image
- Do you think if you don’t have the perfect body you wont be able to attract a female
If you answered yes to 2 or more of these questions, then you may have earned citizenship to the Simp Nation however its important to remember you most likely have dual citizenship and you can relinquish your Simp nation citizenship by being able to say no to all of the above
There has been a huge rise of Simp-friendly platforms such as Onlyfans, Snapchat and Instagram. It appears the Simp nation is expanding its borders everyday, amassing an ever increasing legion which will soon become a Simp empire and lead to a new era of unprecedented male submission and bondage
A disturbing new Simp trend is “FinDom” which stands for financial domination where men pay mediocre looking women significant percentages of their salaries (20–80%) each month to a female that has nothing but contempt for them, if the 70s was the age of men pimping women, the 2020’s will be the decade of women pimping men. These new Simp trends seem to all be related to women taking advantage of men with significant psychological problems for financial gain. These girls have the power to help these men turn their lives around however receiving large sums of money for minimal effort is too good a Hussle to give up
Much how male pimps would seek out damaged women who often grew up with no parents and had been abused both physically and mentally, who would then get these women to sell their bodies and then take most of the money they earned, it was a rotten deal for the women and often lead these women to suicide and other self destructive behaviors, now we have a large community of men who are damaged and the new pimps are young women who thanks to the wonders of modern technology have found ways to seek out and find large numbers of damaged men to exploit, something the pimps in the 70’s could only have dreamed of
In conclusion the nation is as strong as ever and it doesn’t seem to be getting conquered any time soon, do all of these Simps need a Winstrol prescription, gym membership and therapy? probably however they have to be willing to change themselves… be part of the change for a brighter tomorrow and say no to Simping