What If People Stopped Voting

3 min readOct 17, 2021


If voting changed anything it would be illegal

Voting is seen a crucially important part of life for those in the developed world, in fact voting is one of the ways a nation is seen as developed as it allows its population to vote for a different set of leaders

In recent times many developed nations populations trust in politicians is at an all time low and large amounts of people are openly distrustful and disapproving of their leaders

One should consider what would happen if a nation where voter turnout is at 60–80% all of a sudden becomes 10–20%? Would this not create a more drastic change than voting for the same party, same kind of people and hoping somehow because they are different from the last person, everything will magically be better. Instead of voting for the lesser evil, what if you voted for no evil and sent a message to all the parties that they aren't doing enough to get your vote. Surely the political parties (usually two) would go through drastic changes if voter turnout was at 10%, If change is what people want then they must change themselves

Every time a vote is cast, it is a vote for the same broken system, the same power structure that is unpopular yet still has majority participation. Sometimes not voting is the most powerful vote, its a vote for a significant change and to make the ruling elites up their game

Just as its seen as a civic duty to vote, imagine if it was seen as a civic duty not to vote, if the rulers and the parties they represent are broken, corrupt and bloated, not voting is the next stage of progress as current systems are holding back the progress of humanity

But every couple years people in suits who have significantly more money and power than most people ask everyone to vote for them, have they lied? sure, have they proven themselves to be ineffective? of course, yet the majority still vote for them and they feel good about themselves for doing so. Everything bad that happens is a result of the previous people in power or the other people blocking progress, both sides will say the same thing of the other but people are desperate for change

If you want change, don’t wait for it to change you, make them change to get your vote, use the rules of democracy to your advantage and remember you only have the right to complain if you didn’t vote because voting for the opposition is still voting for the system that slowly squeezes you each election cycle




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